Whisk(e)y Lovers Nagoya 2023

Whisk(e)y Lovers Nagoya 2023

(注意事項 参加者は、以下の点をご了承ください。)


Participants are requested to note the following:



No one under 20 years old (who yet have turned 20 years of age) is allowed to enter the venue. Even if accompanied by a parent or guardian, they will not be admitted.


Please refrain from participating the event if you have a fever of 37.5C/99.5F or higher, or symptoms such as cough, sore throat, or fatigue.


Please note that admission may be denied to those who fall under the above categories.


Make sure to keep wearing a mask and to disinfect your hands with alcohol time to time, except during tasting inside the venue.



If you do not comply with these precautions, you may be ordered to leave the venue at the discretion of the host.


The organizers and related parties will not be responsible for any accidents that may occur as a result of prohibited activities.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.

Whisk(e)y Lovers NAGOYA

名古屋での開催が6回目となる、ウイスキーの祭典『ウイスキーラバーズ名古屋2024』 Whisk(e)y Lovers. 文字通り、 ウイスキーラバーのための ウイスキーラバーがつくる ウイスキーラバーの祭典です。 人と人 人とウイスキー 新しい発見と出会いに満ちたウイスキーイベントを目指しています。 2024年は1月21日(日)に吹上ホール1Fにて開催!


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